Saturday, February 5, 2011

Car Line Art 1997 Buick Regal

sympathy! Vanity Fair

Hello everyone!
The post today is dedicated to a sweet friend named
the blog
which has kindly offered
" Award sympathy "
prize that I liked very much
and, as usual, made me excited and really, really happy because
Lory is a special person, sweet, cute, talented,
short friend simply delicious!
I recommend for those who do not know it already,
to visit her, you will not be disappointed!

As a rule of the prize,
addition to his blog and pass it to judge who deserves to receive
(in my If I give it all to you because you are all nice for me and equally deserving )
is that of
Telling of "that day ....." a special day. "

this request, not deny it, put me in a bit of crisis
because I have many special days (like everyone else), the difficulty is to choose" which "...
Then I got an idea!
Show more special days,
those where for one reason or another, I was happy and smiling
(equivalent to smile no sympathy prize?).

Join me, if you like, in this little car ...

With my father in
Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa
Happy memories of a carefree childhood ...
Even as a child I loved roses ...
These are the ones we had in the garden.

outputs with friends ...
laughing, joking, eating, dancing, having fun ...

On my wedding day ...
However for me it's over will
one of the most beautiful and important day
of my life!

Absolutely the day for me
most beautiful and unique ...

These are just some of my "special days"
but I have many others ...
Maybe, who knows, one day I'll show you ....

For now, I greet you and send you many ...



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