Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Develop Pitbull Muscles

Another award, even two! For Japan

Hello everyone,
finally today a day all to myself (and family of course),
e. ..

... while I am waiting to finish cooking the cream cake to celebrate Father's Day,
take this opportunity to thank two new and existing wonderful blogger friends that I have won a prize cute and I liked MOOLTO:

I really thank warmly

Two absolutely delightful blog that I visit constantly
and that makes me daydream
because I carry in the world that I love it!

Thank you so much my sweet friends

Happy Sunday to all,

Friday, March 18, 2011

How Do You Write A Community Service Letter Court

Thursday, March 17, 2011

White Stuff From The Anus


These days I'm working on a bit 'of everything we moved the furniture in two rooms to earn some' space for the arrival of the baby (we're thinking of calling it Lawrence! A friend of mine said to be born with problems personality, since his name was Lorenzo, Jacopo, Andrea, Tobias and Lorenzo again) we are trying to transfer to a new home (we need more living space), I'm trying to write the thesis, but I'm going to not only slow of a snail but too old and lame and I'm doing a bit 'of cards and boxes.

I still can not put some of the photos because they are a surprise and I would not spoil the effect soon.

Others are not yet completely finished and each day they move from place to place hoping to complete them.

But at least one job is complete! and I'm very proud!

Made naturally in front of the television in the evening, and also with a certain speed to hear the opinion of my husband who was now almost in REM. It 's totally inexperienced in everything that concerns these little things, but ... always questioning if it's a disgusted face means that it does just pity, or I say "pretty "... And this is a huge compliment because it is a bit 'reluctant to express his feelings!
The construction of the structure itself is simple (the boring part is to use double-sided tape to assemble the whole. .. we always use a life to pull the film evil!).
longer the decoration, or at least I am to be slow, because it takes me two years to choose the right combinations of colors and papers!
The Penny Black stamp is a stamp in my very suitable for births (only changing the color of the gift package that holds the curl you can devote to a child or a child). I then embossed and colored with promarkers: as markers are phenomenal! You can find beautiful nuances and effects!

So here's these little boxes for expectant mothers who are with me during the pre-hospital birth.
I wanted to personalize each with the name of the child and put in a small little thought (or socks for small / ao of bath salts for mom).

are also examples for the favors that I may commission a lady for the christening of his baby! Cross your fingers ... it would be my first official (the others are still being made for the glory!
And now ...
Hello hello

Most Mentholated Shaving Cream

Simply ..... The Pink Palace

..... Congratulations!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Why Is My Cervix So Hard

That is the residence of the actress Jayne Mansfield, rival of the legendary Marilyn Monroe.

Jayne has never managed in his sadly short life, Marilyn equal but, in fact, home decor, in my opinion, has spared no expense and is surrounded by a Sometimes a little luxury to flashy but certainly impressive!

As the heart-shaped swimming pool ...

This house I especially like the colors, primarily pink

The bathroom is absolutely fantastic!

Even her husband is not bad, very masculine but elegant

I like the stairs with a myriad of photos on the wall,
salts while the mind is lost in memories ...

This is the office instead:
not particularly like it a bit too red, but
unique I would say!

But I really like this room
very spacious, with grand white piano (BELLISSIMO!).
the little balustrade and the great door that overlooks the lovely outdoor ...

The huge bedroom ...

and another perspective of living ...

short, the home of a true Diva as
no longer existed because now we are inclined to be approved
and all these girls that are on TV seem to be made with the stencil,
all equal and free of their personality, their own identity.
But that's another story .....

great week everyone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Whites Tree Frogcompatibility

Dedicated to the women, because we ... we are worth! What should

Although the practice of the lake, a lady decides to go sailing.
Start the engine and goes to a little distance off, throw the anchor and began to read his book.
arrives in a Forest Guard boat. He approaches her and says,
"Good morning, sir, what are you doing?"
"I'm reading a book - answers Her (thinking "is it not obvious ?!?")
" She is in a prohibited fishing area, "he says
" I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading.
"Yes, but it has all the equipment. As far as I know you could start at any time. I bring with me and report."
"If the agent does, I will denounce it for sexual harassment," she says.
"But if I did not even touch me!" Forest Guard
says "This is true, but it has all the equipment. As far as I know you could start at any time."

.... "Have a nice day ma'am," and the guard walks away.

MORAL: Never argue with a woman that law. It 'probably know even thinking.

Happy March 8 at all ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Genital Warts Turned Black

Spring ... Recalling

Today, a dear friend brought me a most welcome gift that made me immediately want to be spring, the season which I prefer and that is to ports but it seems to never come!
already only a small map of gerberas put me in a good mood and has made it somewhat relaxes the tension of that period ...

How wonderful and great power that nature has on us ...

Spring comes dancing,
dancing comes to your door,
Do you know that gets you tell me?
garlands butterflies,
bells viluccchi
as blue as yellow,
and then rose to beams and piles.

Sereno weekend

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tomaguti Para Symbian

writing paper .....

Yesterday afternoon I sent my daughter to buy the newspaper's letterhead because I had to send a letter to a friend
blogger (I can not go out because I suffered a minor operation Surgical
nothing serious but quite a few annoying ....).
The newsagent did look wonderful with a grin and told her that we had not seen anyone use it more ...
He tried in other niches, but the result was the same!
How sad!
remember even when I had a box dedicated to various types of writing paper ... those designed with lavender, with those Holly Hobbie, those with animals, with landscapes, nature ....
I had plenty of them and I liked to collect them.
This no longer exists (or almost ) because of the cold and impersonal, but very fast email ...
What we want to do?
We are in this age and we all suffer the effects, positive or negative ...

But getting back to us, I had to send that letter this morning by morning so I decided to "create" I decoupage with paper, a pair of zigzag scissors and a pen in ink ...
I can not show what I sent because I have not photographed, but I made a similar
(I hope the blogger who reads this post is not meant otherwise byebye surprise!)
for you ...

I wrote on the white parts but, if desired,
you can use a dark pen and write to all page.

With bit of nostalgia, I wish you a pleasant evening

Monday, February 28, 2011

Braces When Missin G Teeth

Third proof to "Enable Spring Edition": The Appointment PROVOST

Well, we are full here is the picture of the technique that we will see Cristina Fair next weekend.


Cristina will do this top to see the technique of mounting the strips that make up the work and explain how to get the wonderful effects that we often see in books and publications.

not panic by the many seams and handles many: you can make wonderful quilt without having to pay attention to the millimeter, because with the Bargello we can afford.

It 's a very beautiful technique that creates jobs is of considerable size is small. The

Dodi QUILT adopted it to create the symbol of the group: the egg that stands out about our work bags, pins on the group and on the banner.

So goodbye to the Fair!

Cristina, Lydia, Julia, Julie, Monica and Lisa.

Pressure Point For Getting Periods

Reflections ... Dita's house

Yesterday morning, like every Sunday, I took my daughter to riding lessons.
The riding is located in a seaside town and to get there you must pass by a long avenue of trees (there will be about 5 km) that I really like it because it has mature trees that line the sides of the road and cottage type houses right next to the river (there the shabby and the password!).
As we walked this street, a car traveling ahead of time, rather old, and since we went plan due to rain, my mind began to wander back in time to the year 30/40 ...
Inside the car we could see two silhouettes and I figured they were two fresh newlyweds or two secret lovers who were heading towards the sea for a romantic walk in the drizzle ...

Now I am beginning to think that we all imagine the old days, experienced by other generations, and there is a bit of nostalgia, not to be born in that period ...
Or want houses, furniture that we see here on the internet or our favorite magazines that make us dream with open eyes, watching (and sometimes exaggerating) those who own them ...
I wonder but if we had lived at that time or had the house of our dreams we would be happier than we are now? Or do we want more?

I think it's right to dream, desire, aspire to something, but without losing sight of what is beautiful and we especially who we are, otherwise you may not live fully our present reality, our lives easier or unlikely to be solely and exclusively ours!

do not know if I was able to better express my thoughts, even if I was not clear or if someone does not agree or think differently is perfectly free to say so, I'd love to, because in my blog I like to treat every now and then issues a little more "deep" ...

Who knows maybe in 100 years, our great-grandchildren, envy, dreams and emulate our homes, our styles, our lives .....

good week

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Much Cost To Fill A Tooth In Texas?

to "Enable spring edition" to Enable

Here, I had announced Julia and I could not miss: This is the technique or dell'Appliquè Vitrage Stained Glass will present the exhibition cleverly.
The work is unfortunately being finalized but will be over and you'll see him during demonstrations in the area of \u200b\u200bQuiltItalia.

Well, we look forward to the Fair and hope to meet many quilters and to exchange ideas and friendship.

you soon then. Lidia

Online Grocery Auction

Old and new creations!

Good evening ...
here's two things, an old woman a couple of years ago, before my children were born, and instead of just two days ago!

These are two covers, duvet covers or rather, that I stitched and that after my mother (a seamstress at home) has assembled. The work was long enough because:
1 - I used the aida fabric with tiny points !!!.... from going blind, but the effect is more realistic (it seems that the reason is drawn !)

2 - the running stitch outline I did not follow the whole point or half point, but counting each single strand, then the points were very small and very strange! (Okay, this explanation is unclear, but I understood ... I can see better from the photos that I did!)
3 - in the last trimester of pregnancy because my hands were swollen and had lost sensitivity in a few fingers! a tragedy: I \u200b\u200bwrote like a chicken and I could not do anything, so imagine keeping a needle in his hand ...

4 - I suffered from a "disease" is common to many pregnant women: SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP at all hours!

the end the work it was still completed. So since the vandals born in mid-July, did not suffer some cold!
Here's some 'special ...

(known ... that the photo has a bad resolution ... I wonder if I can find a way to make it better. Have a little 'patience, I must ask my sister which is waaay more skilled with computers than me!)

These are my favorite ...

PS if anyone wants these or any other cross-stitch patterns of the series "Some bunny to love "We'll step you!
This is the chore instead of the latest child born just the other day a friend of a dear friend (... that circle of friends! ).

I wanted to give him a little thought, but I seemed to put the packet and so the other morning I got a good pace.
Actually work I had begun the night before, but I did not like and I did it again the next day. The only complication: there were children at home that cause colds, coughs and new teeth, did not go to kindergarten and do something with their handling paper, glue, scissors and ribbons, was a delusion. Rightly wanted to touch everything and put in your mouth, so in the order they have "tasted". a stamp (inked course), glue PVA glue and a bit 'of markers.
Currently have not yet had serious symptoms caused by toxic products, so I think companies that produce these things intestine them on children before putting them on the market ...

It 'a box in an explosion and I put the socks. Unfortunately not yet reached its destination, because my friend forgot to bring it to the new mother, who lives in Riva del Garda, so do not just around the corner from my house. Oh well measure are 0-3 months, so I still have a little 'time!

Meanwhile many wishes to Blessed Mother and the little Martin!!

Well, now I'm going to sleep well ... (yes, I say this because I finished writing the text of the post, but I am waiting for your computer to finish uploading the photos ...)

last thing: these are my babies! There I often speak and do not yet have never seen them ... now it's up to you to make the game " discover the differences!