Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jordan Capri Mediafire

Obladì Obladì SARKOZY ... ...........

E 'became one of the many poor dwarfs Sarkosy!! One of the many dwarf in the enchanted garden of the belle Carla, a plaster statue as the heads of several French journalists who have downgraded the status of a sleazy terrorist Petrella to the "mother and social worker." The French cousins \u200b\u200b
looks more and more to the "country cousins" that eunuchs and distorted voices
stacked the deck by confusing the blood of victims of Petrella with vintage Bordeaux. Thanks Carla
but next time let it be leading the pain of those who lost their loved ones selfishness of wanting show solidarity with a left frustrated and increasingly decadent and Demode for you '.