Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How Are Carnival Cruises During Spring Break?

POLICY strange subject

beautiful replica of an inquiry into the "Mr. Clean" of Italian politics

The bell'Antocri. Investigations on Di Pietro
Written by Rita Pennarola


A former founder of Italia dei Valori shoot zero on Antonio Di Pietro. The accusations, still under review by the prosecutor of Rome, was informed in a private meeting also the head of state. We see the steps dell'esposto hot, which turns the spotlight on the "sole member" of the party and the corporate creature of the minister, the family estate Antocri.
April Fool's Day. Born on that day more practical joker of the year - let's talk about 2003 - the sprightly Antocri acronym chosen by his father Antonio Di Pietro to remember, since the name of the srl, his three children Anna, and Christian Toto. Eye. Why is the 2003e also the year they begin to mature into the coffers of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b...
providences relating to the substantial public funding of parties, prudently renamed - after the resounding rejection by the Italians in the referendum 1993 - reimbursement of election expenses. And the party of former PM of clean hands in 2003 has recently entered into the golden ones of providences teams that receive millions of euro in their enclosures. The law - the number 157 of June 99 - provides that to get the "reimbursement" of expenses incurred during the election campaign (we are talking about policies in 2001) the only condition is that they have reached at least 1 percent of the vote . Here we are.

taps of public funding on the Association Italy of Values \u200b\u200b- founded over 300 brave militants on September 26, 2000 in Rome, before a notary Bruno Cesarini - open for the first time at the end 2001, when he comes and spends the first half a billion old lire. The sum represents 40 percent of the "redemption" total due to the association-party participation in various elections, all held in that year: not only political, but also regional in Sicily and Molise. In 2002 he was the integration: almost two million euro, which were added about 200 000 others for the elections for the Senate. Here, a little curiosity: at the 2001 Political Party-Association of Di Pietro elects a single senator, from Bergamo, Valerio Carrara. No time to sit in the Senate, and the ranks of Force passes Carrara Italy. When you say money well spent ...

But let's move on. Because we arrived at the fateful 2003. With the coffers of the party already bolstered by previous "electoral reimbursements, plus those reported in the current year (another 2 million and a half euro), in November, the value is changing premises. From modest location of Busto Arsizio, via Milano 14 to a central Via Casati in Milan: an apartment of nine rooms on the fifth floor, where the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bcan finally have a home suited to his ambitions. The lease? Not a problem. Why is the owner of your Antocri, whose father Peter is the sole shareholder. "After lengthy discussion between the owner Di Pietro Di Pietro tenant - perhaps you read the minutes - it was agreed at a monthly rent of € 2,800. " The figure is not fantasy: it is declared in the accounts of srl, founded with the sole purpose of managing real estate. The tenant also agree more. Because in the meantime, with a daring inside move, the statutes of the association has changed: gone are both advocates of 300-founders and other top organizations. Let's face it: Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhas become a party with a single shareholder. Antonio Di Pietro.

is said by the parties of Montenero di Bisaccia (and right down to the Deep South) that 'a cummannà is best about 'fuck. The ancient wisdom fits perfectly on the two creatures DiPietro, Antocri and the party-association, both with single-member Plenipotentiary. Him

History repeats itself. Spent a year and a new gem became part of the assets of Antocri: This is the apartment of 10 rooms on the fifth floor of Via Principe Eugenio 31, in the capital. As it happens, at that period in 2004 Italy of Values \u200b\u200bseeks home in Rome. Owner (Di Pietro) and tenant (again), they will agree on rent and so, after processing of the intended use of the property, the party of the moralizing has also an appropriate setting in Rome. Details of the two removals are in the attached report to the 2005 budget of IDV, "we highlight the transfer of the National Headquarters of the party's political representation, again in Rome, Via dei Prefects, 17 Via Principe Eugenio, 31, while strengthening National Press Office with the hiring of a new unit. " "As to the See of Milan, Via Casati 1 / A - is added - it reaffirms its role as Headquarters and Administrative Secretariat of the President of the Party as well as Antonio Di Pietro for the organization and relationships with local realities." We still have some little question. Meanwhile, on the extraordinary performance of a limited company to be 50 000 € of capital that can in just two years to acquire properties of such great value. How much? Something tells us the 2005 budget of Antocri that the "tangible" returns the sum of 1 million 788 thousand euro. The same item for 2004 was represented by 619 000 €. This is obviously lower amounts to the market value of the two prestigious properties. And I am, however, net of the loan. Yes

as all the wise heads of households Antonio Di Pietro has a mortgage on his shoulders. In fact, two. Here (we are still in the pages of the 2005 budget Antocri): the first, from € 276,000 and change, concerns the building of Milan, was signed April 20, 2004, the second for the Roman mansion, is amounted to approximately € 386,000 and was on 7 June 2005. They make over 660 thousand euro loan agreement with the BNL, which expire between 2015 and 2019. Rate with, say, not leggerine. How to pay Antocri who does not conduct any business? Simple. With its rental tenant. That's Italy of Values. That receives public funding.

all right? Someone is trying to see clearly. To begin with, the deputy prosecutor of the capital Giancarlo Amato, on whose table the entire affair has been forwarded by the Chief Prosecutor of Brescia, Giancarlo Tarquini, who had picked up the tough accusations presented in October 2005 by Mario Di Domenico, lawyer and co-founder of Italy of Values. In the document (see box on page 9) Di Domenico point the finger at "several pipes - in the opinion of the writer - all criminal and complex." The charges against the current minister in the Prodi government would - according to Di Domenico - very serious, "the scam to scam the contract for the end of the unjust gain," "the misappropriation fraud against the State, 's illegal use of public funding to political parties. " All offenses documented in the Advocate monumental attachments all'esposto-complaint. In the spotlight, in particular, two circumstances: first amendment of the statute, arbitrarily defined by Di Domenico, thanks to which Peter is currently a member of the association only Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(all to read the minutes of the meeting in which the sole member of Peter's convene, discuss with himself and is approved). And then of course the story of Antocri and two real estate assets purchased in Milan and Rome between 2004 and 2005 and leased as offices to the party. All circumstances on which Di Domenico, who had been heard by the Prosecutor Tarquini, now claims to clarity. But not only directed the public prosecutor Amato. And 'in fact, dated October 9, 2006 letter the minute - remain top secret until now - when, retracing the main steps of the complaint, Di Domenico puts hot potato to the attention of the Head of State Giorgio Napolitano, Prime Minister Romano Prodi and Keeper Clemente Mastella.

Other recipients are also accusations of the former Milan prosecutor Gerardo D'Ambrosio, now in parliament, and the militant founder of the Yard for the common good Elio Veltri, flogger in his books of vice and crime policy, by 'Italy to the United States via Europe. A couple of months ago along with Achille Occhetto, another leading exponent of the Yard, Veltri spoke to President Napolitano of this sensitive issue. The meeting was confidential, took place in Rome. The head of state would have suggested to inform Romano Prodi. But the letter sent by Prime Minister Elio Veltri - well before the government were gathering clouds of crisis - has never been answered.

the anomaly of the whole Italian political party run by a "sole member" some clarification it provides the same Veltri. "We were about 300 people - said the Voice - to parade in 1998 before the notary of Saint Sepulchre Fanfani to create the association Italy of Values, who was born under the sign of change. In 2000, unbeknownst to our associates, Antonio Di Pietro amending the statute, transferring management to a select committee consisting of himself with the faithful Silvana Mura and the same on Sunday. Some time later, calls for the resignation of both, and remains the undisputed fact dominus. " La Mura, an accountant by profession, assumes the guise of the party treasurer, will sign the financial statements since 2001, when they begin to arrive - as we have seen - major providences public reimbursement for election expenses.

'and' absurd - Veltri presses - we spent years attacking Silvio Berlusconi for his gross conflicts of interest and now there are in a house as big as an aircraft carrier. " A slippery ground, on which now comes another mine Glow Antocri. "After reading the complaint of the lawyer on Sunday - some say escaped from Italy Values \u200b\u200b- we started to document fully understand what they were, on the political level, the main anomalies. One example that mutual respect for over 600 000 € to complete the payment of the two properties. In practice, these sums will be redeemed through the rents paid by the party. " Which of course draws on public funding. As for the amounts advanced by Antocri to buy, will the prosecutor Giancarlo Amato to determine whether these also come from public funds or personal resources of the same Di Pietro. And on this point
the attorney is already working.

The Odd Couple

But not only these, the headaches that come at night to disturb the sleep of Antonio Di Pietro. Especially during the convulsive crisis of the government must come - and from different parts of the Union - the "thinking" not benevolent government of his companions, who are unlikely to forgive him for ever recruited in a jiffy and catapulted Palazzo Madama politically unreliable as a character Sergio De Gregorio. In which, a minute later, greets his "mentor" and go to vote with the House of Freedom, contributing significantly to topple the government Prodi. A game of three cards all of Naples, which has allowed the wily journalist to leap to the presidency of the Defence Committee and ask the head of the Movement Italians Abroad, with whom he aims to become - as has already happened - the balance which hung the fate of the two coalitions. "De Gregorio gave me ample reassurances, which I hope will maintain a fair future conduct as a senator and as chairman of the Defense against the Union and that, for now, I want to stick."

He tried to remain calm after the turnaround, Di Pietro, but history has blatantly denied. "Judas was and remains Judas - thunders now - with De Gregorio we have nothing to do." And all believe, can identify with in the role of the gentleman himself betrayed by his follower. Tu quoque, Brute ... But Brutus, out the door, back from the window. Indeed, if we want to be precise, in fact, that window has never left. It's called Italy of Values, just like the party, and is still the official newspaper of DiPietro (so ready, as all party organs to receive the generous providence provided by law). Founded in the warm months of feeling between the former symbol of clean hands and a journalist of proven faith craxiana (was among the first to hasten on the beaches of Hammamet), the newspaper editorial was born in the wake of the experience of De Gregorio, head of battleships as far Italian television network in the World Ltd, with the tune of over € 3 million in capital, and Italians in the World Channel (2 million and goes). Imprint DiPietro from the newspaper De Gregorio (who held the top post of editorial director) is formally released. However, it remains in the role of sole director of the Mediterranea Editrice srl, a young member of a family has always been faithful to the Word Degregorio. It

Antonio Lavitola, close cousin of that that with the portly Senator Walter Lavitola Neapolitan journalist had exhumed Avanti, getting, with the former head glorious socialist government grants in 2005 were still around 2 and a half million euro ( just one question, but the Avanti! who has seen it?). Forty years, a native of Aversa, Antonio Lavitola in homeland firmly holds the helm of several high-sounding business names, ranging from Caesar to The Sphinx Ltd., to the ambitious General Building (which is the sole director) who, relying on Canon capital of just € 10 000, even aspires to "achieve ports, airports, bridges, dams, aqueducts, oil pipelines, gas pipelines and rail networks. "

Meanwhile the newspaper - what is called his Italy of Values \u200b\u200b- goes. Editor's Roman Via della Vite in reply that there are no interruptions or inconveniences: the newspaper is distributed throughout newsagents in Italy. And at the opening of the first page - for example in the edition of February 27 - still stands, complete with photos, the prophetic book entitled "The angle of Di Pietro." He knows something, the minister, who at the official site of the party preferred to remove the link to access the newspaper preferred to indicate, as head of reference, the regular free-range New Horizons in San Giorgio with drafting the molarity, deep inside they know? Or someone is ready to "snatch" the name, as between the Internet address of the online version of the newspaper (italiadeivalori.info) and that of the party (italiadeivalori.it) there runs a small "info" ?

across the board, however, decreased the number of corporate Editrice Mediterranea. A hold capital Ltd are in fact, along with Lavitola, the other doc Aversa Thomas D'Alesio, 41, and two Neapolitan: The twenty-five and newcomer Marco Capasso Guido Malatesta. The latter was a former partner of Antonio Lavitola in South Real Estate Ltd, based in the capital of Campania. And the director the newspaper? We want to talk about? It 's you, the Neapolitan Cipullo Delia, early thirties, with strong professional bases in Opus Dei (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross) and especially after the court of socialist celebrities such as Gianni De Michelis. De Gregorio docet. Neapolitans Finally, also the chief press office chosen by the Ministry of Di Pietro Porta Pia square: it is eye Gianni, a former cameraman at Rai Viale Marconi, and Lucio Fava Del Piano. The steps of the burning accusations

SOME OF THE MORE STEPS 'BURNING by accusations of the lawyer and co-founder of Italia dei Valori Mario Di Domenico, contained in a letter sent to the Head state Giorgio Napolitano, Romano Prodi, the Keeper of Clemente Mastella, Gerardo D'Ambrosio and Elio Veltri, the latter among the very first to uncover the pot Tangentopoli with the book "The Milan of the scandals of 1991 and now author of the well documented "The government of confilitti. "I gave birth - points on Sunday - March 21, 1998 and then September 26, 2000, together with Mr Antonio Di Pietro and now Mrs Silvana Mura, the contract of association for the establishment of the" Italy of Values-List Di Pietro " political party known to be born, and celebrated the event behind the wave of socio-legal "Tangentopoli", of which Di Pietro was considered to be the popular hero. I participated in that initiative because, then, I believed it could contribute to the formation of a new real rule of law: what I hope and I'd still leave an inheritance to my children. " Then go immediately to the attack. "It 's spent about a year - wrote on Sunday - since I submitted complaints concerning the prosecutor's office of Brescia against my former comrades of the founding political party. I thought his powers of Brescia because the treasurer and legal representative of the party (Silvana Mura, ed) resides in the district of Justice.

The complaint-complaint was articulated conducted on different - in the opinion of the writer - all criminal and complex: it was the arbitrariness, and illegality committed by the leaders of Italy of Values-List Di Pietro, constituted and composed of only three members, at the behest of the President: the 'on. Di Pietro (Chairman), Mr. Walls (treasurer) and myself (secretary). I have been played more times for several hours by the chief prosecutor Giancarlo Tarquini of Brescia and his alternates. The disclosure of crime was registered with the proceeding number 20097/2005. The charges against my party colleagues were in fact serious. " What? Nell'esposto speaking, inter alia, 'deception' "Contractual fraud for the purpose of the unjust gain," "abuse of legal personality," "misappropriation," "fraud against the state for the illegal use of public funding to political parties 'all' arguments articulated complex , collected in about 100 hard Annexes, 1000 pages of documents and 150 pages in memory and additional grounds. " The Public Prosecutor of Brescia, however, pass the buck to that of Rome, for reasons of "territorial jurisdiction" and the investigation continues.
So, for its part, continues the reconstruction of the former partner and friend: "In the meantime, I investigated, I found and reported that the Chairman of Amato pm IDV Di Pietro, in the course, arbitrarily changed the statute of action, so it is, still, constituted and represented by a single member: Mr Antonio Di Pietro. So much so that last year's budget was unanimously approved by resolution of the association, the one and only member of Peter. Not only that, but well read the statute, as amended, has yet been able to confirm that the combination IDV (which takes public funding by the state) is an autonomous body, separate from the political party (which participates in the elections with a group of candidates), even bears the same name if ambiguously IDV and uses the same mark or symbol in the elections, for which also other pending cases before the civil court in Rome for the investigation of the property, counterfeiting and illegal use of the same, as the property of the Movement Values. " So read the complaint-complaint. "I wonder and ask: but who are all of the money paid to IDV and the Group, are they not the money that the Treasury collects from people's pockets?". The attorney-furious then goes on to point out the ambiguities in its view, the statute of IDV, that "the organs of the party absolutely do not interact with the organs of the association." In addition, "political party consisting of several members of IDV with its own assembly, corporate bodies and financial autonomy as well as other legal representation (the treasurer Silvana Mura) and coincident presidential leadership (of Peter). The other two walls and Peter, "have also participated in the establishment of a company called AN.TO.CRI srl., In which the sole shareholder was and Di Pietro, while members of the Board are (or are states of incorporation), the treasurer of the association Silvana Mura and the political party that IDV and Claudio Bellotti (life partner or spouse of the Walls). " "Well, in the short span of one year 2004-2005 the An.to.cri., capitalized for only € 50,000, has become the center of Milan, an apartment of 9.5 rooms (at least guessable value € 900,000) and then the center of Rome, another apartment of 10.5 spaces (guessable value of at least € 900,000). It was also found - the complaint of the lawyer continues on Sunday - that the only two sites leased by the Italy of Values \u200b\u200band the rent for which is found in Rome and Milan, the other words in those apartments An.to.cri properties.

but c'iazzeccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


PERSONAL REASONS WE DO NOT AGAINST ON. DI PIETRO but it was nowhere 'to see the difference between corrupt and corrupting TONINO GOOD START WOULD LIKE TO SEE HIS FIRST BEAM toothpicks OTHER! !